My Prayer for the Year

My prayer request for the 333 prayer team for the last year was ‘to have better spiritual eyes and to be more sensitive toward God’s voice through deeper prayer and fasting’.  Last year, I thought that as of August, 2015, I would complete 3 years as senior pastor and would start the 4th year.  Therefore, my prayer request reflected my desire of entering into a new deeper level of spirituality.  I wanted to have a more intimate time of prayer during the Morning Prayer and wanted to have a spiritually more meaningful time during the weekly fasting rather than mechanically observing weekly fasting.

I am very grateful that many of the 333 prayer team prayed for my prayer request and many church leaders also remembered and prayed for it.  However, I had to admit that I did not have a feeling that I had become a much more spiritual person.  I selected a book about fasting and read a chapter on the day of fasting.  It probably helped me some but not to my satisfaction.  I guess that I need to continuously strive to have a deeper walk of prayer and fasting.  Since many of you prayed for this for a year, I am sure that it made a difference in the spiritual realm even though I did not feel it.

Another of my prayer requests for the 333 prayer team was for my wife’s eyesight.  What I feel these days is that her eyesight has recently worsened.  According to my wife, her sight did not degrade gradually, but rather stayed the same for a while and then suddenly deteriorated.  It has been that way many times.  It could be the time of decline right now.  However, thanks to prayers, it is held in the current state.  More than anything, I am thankful that she is spiritually healthy.

With the starting of 2016, I want to pray to enlarge my territory.  Javez of 1 Chronicles must had been born with complication.  His mother named him ‘Jevez’ meaning that she gave birth to him in pain.  People of this time believed that the name implied their fate.  Therefore, Javez’s life could have involved much pain.  However, he prayed to God and as a result, he lived a very fruitful life.

I am sure that I have many limitations, but this year, I pray that I can overcome these limitations and enlarge my territory.  Please pray for me so that I will have a better character, deeper spirituality, and have a better understanding of the world.  Please pray to enlarge my territory.

Some say that any organization cannot be greater than the capacity of the leader.  It should not be that my limitation hinders growth of our church.  It is my sincere desire that my limitations will not slow down the way of the church and any of the area of ministry.  I pray that I will be ready so that the Holy Spirit can do all His work and increase the region of our church according to His will.

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