So Blessed!

This past Sunday, our youth group partnered with Emmanuel Baptist Church to host their Fall Festival. The weather was gorgeous, the game booths and attractions were really fun, and there were tons of people from the surrounding community who came and had a great time. But as I walked around and saw all that was going on, the one thing that stuck out to me was how much of a blessing it was for us to serve in that way.

Over and over again, different leaders from Emmanuel came up to me, thanking me and our church for what we did for them. And over and over again, my reply was that we were the ones who were getting blessed the most for having this opportunity to serve. Jesus said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. It’s one thing to think and say that to people; it’s an entirely different thing to experience that in real life! I am so glad that we had a chance to be blessed by serving Emmanuel and their community.

How do I know that we were blessed? I could see it on the smiles on our faces. I could hear it in the laughter among us as we served. I could feel it in my heart and I knew that so many of us felt that as well. I am so thankful for all of you students who worked so hard to make your game booths so fun. I am so proud of you for coming out and serving with such joy. I am so thankful to our wonderful youth shepherds, who took the time, money, and energy to prepare for this event. I am so thankful for the relationship that we have with our brothers and sisters at Emmanuel.

But I am most thankful to God for giving us an opportunity to experience the blessing of giving to others. Let’s not limit our giving to a special event like this, but let’s have this attitude wherever we are.

Let’s be people who are more blessed because we give!

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