Not Titles, Just Ministry

People are sensitive to titles. When I visited Korea last May a friend of mine took me to a hotel spa, treating me to a massage. During the massage the masseuse addressed me by a title reserved for CEOs of large companies. Apparently, people are so sensitive to how they are addressed that he played it safe by using the most honorable title possible. Unfortunately, this penchant for honorable titles seems to be creeping into our church. Some of our newer members who moved here from other areas seem to feel offended when they are addressed as "Brother" or "Sister". They ...

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Parents: Provide A Sexual Protection Shield

Our teenaged sons and daughters are under attack. A sexual attack. When they open their email images of copulating men and women attack them. Hidden messages saying that it is all right to have sex outside of marriage attack them through the TV shows they watch. And many parents are oblivious to this. Recent surveys indicate that most teens lose their virginity before they graduate from high school. Many more have intimate sexual experiences such as oral sex even if they do not have actual sexual intercourse. These are not just non-Christian teens; they also come from ...

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How I Spend My Off Day

I get up 4:20 AM every day, including Saturdays and Sundays, and get to church at around 5 AM. I spend the next 3 hours praying, mostly for church members, and for breakfast I eat a fruit and vegetable smoothie lovingly prepared for me by my wife. I spend the rest of the day at church. Thursday is the only day I get up late as it's my day off. Sunday is the busiest day of the week for a pastor. But business does not stop at the end of Sunday. I attend various meetings on Monday evenings, such as monthly meetings with shepherds or events for some of the Bible study ...

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Changes Afoot

I have been preaching on the book of Matthew for over a year. People have asked me which book of the Bible I plan to preach on next. I actually have an ambitious goal. I plan to preach through every book of the Bible over the next few years. I got this idea from Chuck Smith, a well known preacher from Calvary Chapel. In one of his seminar tapes he mentioned that he covered five chapters from the books of the Old Testament and one chapter from the books of the New Testament so that he could preach through the entire Bible every few years. If I follow this system I may be ...

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Why I Don’t Allow House Church Hopping

Lately I have been hearing from several house church shepherds that their members are thinking about changing their house churches. We don't allow people to switch their house church, and I have addressed the issue a number of occasions in the past. I feel the need, however, to talk to you again about this. It seems as though we have gotten many new members in the recent months who have never heard about the reasons behind this policy. This is good because it is a sign of growth! First reason why we ask people to stay and remain in their house church is because it ...

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Starting Third Worship Service

We will be starting a third weekly Sunday worship service, beginning August 17th. It will be held in the evening at 7:45 PM. This service will be staffed entirely by young singles. So far the young people in our church have only been taken care of. I hope this service gives them an opportunity to serve themselves and become equals with our older members of the church as servants of God. Brother Soo-Kwan Lee will be in charge of this service. He has a heart and a dream for the lost young adults in Houston. In them, he sees the potential for future leaders. He will be ...

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A Five-Dollar Offering for Missionaries

My primary passion in life is to help people become more like Jesus. There is no greater joy for me than seeing people change to be more like Him. That's why I do what I do as a pastor, to help people grow and mature spiritually. And one of the ways that God transforms our lives is through His word. Paul said, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ" (Romans 10: 17). God's word is extremely vital and essential in our spiritual transformation. Without it you cannot grow spiritually! Since I know the ...

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